Server administration for non-recurrent and often urgent tasks. Whether those are non-standard server settings to be applied, a project to be transferred, server load optimised or any other specific task that has to be executed and done as quickly as possible without overpayments. One-time custom administration work does not require a monthly subscription fee active. The payment is made for the time actually spent on the tasks and is calculated based on the cost of the administrator's involved in meeting the set goals.

  • The service is considered to be delivered based on the success criteria set by the client.
  • Veesp does not provide support to the server after the requested task has been deployed.
  • Veesp can decline the server administration request at their own discretion.
  • Veesp does not carry any responsibility for damages that might occur to other services, not directly correlated to the performed task.
  • Veesp does not carry responsibility for prolonged or delayed completion of the agreed upon tasks, that was caused due to misinformation or lack of information provided by the customer.
  • Customer must provide any software licenses if they are required to achieve the success criteria.
  • Veesp will not provide support to services or software, or support activities that are in violation of Veesp's Terms of Service: ToS

The Style macro allows the use of CSS to style content. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed. https://www.adaptavist.com/doco/display/CFP/Style+Sheet
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