All Linux VPS have SSH access.

Linux and MacOS include an SSH client by default.

For Windows devices - connect via CMD (Command Prompt) or Windows PowerShell, we advise to use SSH client MobaXterm (you can also use the SSH client PuTTY, but it can sometimes have connection issues).

You can download MobaXterm here 

In order to connect to your server via terminal:

  1. Open a Terminal and enter the following command to connect to your server as a root user:
ssh root@your_VPS_IP_address

For example, if the server IP address is, the command would look like this:

ssh root@

You will get the following message if you try to connect to your server for the first time:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 79:95:46:1a:ab:37:11:8e:86:54:36:38:bb:3c:fa:c0.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

      2. Type 'yes' to continue to connect and enter your root password.

Your can find your root password in the "Your VPS is deployed" email,

as well as in your client area VPS management page "Overview" section , it will be revealed after you press the "show " button.

Done! You are connected to your server via SSH and you can manage your VPS.