In case you ever need to configure your network interfaces manually, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the VPS control panel by using your Username and Password from the VPS service page (Login details tab), or from the "Your VPS has been deployed" e-mail.
  2. Navigate to the Network tab.
  3. Here you will find your IPv4 addres(es) as well as your IPv6 subnet designation.

In order to configure the IPv4 interface, execute the following commands in your VPS terminal:

ip address add X.X.X.X/24 dev eth0

where X.X.X.X is your VPS IPv4 address, and then followed by:

ip route add default via X.X.X.1 dev eth0

where X.X.X.1 consists of the first 3 octets from your server's IP address and the last octet is the number "1".

Next add the following two lines to your /etc/resolv.conf file:



(info) Your server should receive it's IPv4 address via DHCP by default.

In order to configure the IPv6 interface, execute the following commands:

ip -6 address add XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXX::XXXX/64 dev eth0

where the first four octets in XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXX::XXXX/64 match the IPv6 address of your server, while the last octet consists of a freely selected number from 1 to 9999.

You will need to repeat this step in order to configure any additional IPv6 addresses.

Afterwards you need to add the default route:

ip -6 route add XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1 dev eth0

and the IPv6 gateway, where the first 3 octets match your IPv6 address, and the last one is the number "1":

ip -6 route add default via XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1 

(warning)  These changes will remain active until the VPS is rebooted. In order to make them permanent, you will need to modify your system configuration.

For Debian and Ubuntu-based systems, the settings are configured via /etc/network/interfaces. Open it and add the following lines:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address X.X.X.X
gateway X.X.X.1
up ip addr add XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXX::2967/64 dev eth0
up ip -6 route add XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1 dev eth0
up ip -6 route add default via XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1

Save the changes.

For CentOS and Fedora-based systems this is set in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file. Open it and edit it to match this template:


Save the changes you just made.

Additionally, in these OS you will need to add/edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-eth0. If it is not present, create it and add the following two lines:

XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1 dev eth0
default via XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::1

Save the file afterwards.

Now your network configuration will persist between server reboots.